
Main Street Odessa Construction Update - December 2024

5 December 2024

Signalized pedestrian crosswalk

The Main Street portion of the ongoing Potter Creighton South and Main Project is wrapping up for the season.

🚧Earlier this week, concrete was poured on sidewalk sections of Main Street and at end treatments on the new multi-use paths. The only section of asphalt on the multi-use path yet to be completed is the section directly in front of the Pop In. This section will be paved as soon as weather permits. Sidewalk closures are temporarily required in these sections.

🚸The permanent crossing guard location at West and Main St. will be restored effective Wednesday, December 11th, however, the signalized crossing won’t be activated at that time.

Some weather dependant items still need to be done and will be completed in the spring. The focus now shifts to Creighton, Potter, and South Streets, where the majority of the work will take place in 2025.

A huge thank you to all motorists and pedestrians for your patience and understanding throughout the construction period. We know the project impacted daily travel, and we truly appreciate your cooperation as work was completed to improve the area.