About the Project

Loyalist Township and the County of Lennox & Addington are upgrading infrastructure on the original sections of Potter Drive and Creighton Drive, and the western portion of South Street, as well as Main Street - Odessa between Creighton Drive and West Street. This is a multi-year project, with the Main Street section largely completed in 2024. The majority of work on Creighton, Potter, and South takes place in 2025, including some intersection improvements that will involve Main Street at times.

The work includes:

  • Replacement/repair of watermains and sanitary sewers, right-of-way drainage improvements
  • Upgrading Potter Drive to a collector road, including the addition of sidewalks from Main Street - Odessa to the new development areas; a turn lane on Main Street; and upgrades to the intersection of Main Street and Creighton Drive. These items are funded by Bayhill Development and Golden Falcon, the developers responsible for the Babcock Mills and Millcreek subdivisions
  • Installing a multi-use pathway along the south side of Main Street - Odessa from Creighton Drive to West Street
  • Installing a signalized pedestrian crosswalk of Main Street - Odessa at West Street

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More Information

Potter Drive, Creighton Drive, and South Street (west) are in the west end of Odessa. While both Potter and Creighton have been extended with new developments in the past decade, our project is focusing on the original areas of these streets, as well as Main Street between Creighton Drive and West Street.

Before starting the project design, we usually do a number of investigations:

  • CCTV inspections of the existing sewers (sanitary and/or storm) helps us understand their condition
  • Surveying confirms property lines and the road right-of-way
  • Locates confirm underground infrastructure owned by us and other utility companies
  • Geotechnical (boreholes) tell us about the condition of the rock or ground in the project area and help us plan to manage the excess soils created by construction due to provincial legislation

We start compiling this information several years before we plan to start the design work.

To help us protect your property, it's important for us to know about the location of any private underground infrastructure, like sump drainage lines, irrigation systems, or buried wires, so they aren't disturbed during construction.

We are also interested in information regarding the Township's infrastructure, such as coloured water concerns, drainage issues, or sewer backups.

We encourage you to get in touch with project staff, who are happy to discuss and/or meet you onsite to address any questions or concerns.

In the spring of 2023, Odessa Public School students in Grades 6 and 7 participating in the Imagining My Sustainable Community program shared their vision for sustainable community and civic engagement with Township staff and Council. Incorporated into this project is a rainbow crosswalk, to be located at the signalized pedestrian crossing of Main Street - Odessa at West Street.