About the Project

The Loyalist Township Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review is underway. The purpose of the ward boundary review is to review the existing electoral arrangements to develop an effective and equitable system of representation. This means we are reviewing Council composition, options for how Council representatives are elected, existing ward boundaries, and whether residents have equitable access to their elected representatives.

The goal of the review is to assess the current Council composition and establish a ward structure that will accommodate growth and population shifts for at least the next three municipal elections.

On October 22, Council heard an overview of the project, the legislative requirements, and the timelines. Watch the presentation.

On February 11, the Consultants provided an Interim Report on the work completed to date, the feedback provided in Phase 1 of the consultation and some proposed options. Watch the meeting here. Extensive public consultations and engagement opportunities will commence for all residents. We’ll be asking you to tell us about your community and provide feedback on the proposed ward boundary options through a survey which will open February 19. Deadline to submit your feedback is March 9, 2025.

Alternative Ward Boundary Options

Public Feedback Survey

In-person Consultation Sessions

Road map showing planned in-person consultation sessions

Wednesday 19 February 2025 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Bath Fire Hall

Wednesday 19 February 2025 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Amherst Island Community Hall

Monday 24 February 2025 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Wilton Community Hall

Monday 24 February 2025 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Amherstview Fire Hall

Ward Boundary Review Video

Interactive Map

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Township Students Ward Boundary Review

On October 16, students from across Loyalist Township joined us for Local Government Week. The Clerk's Division asked students to take a look at the current ward boundaries and undertake their own ward boundary review and determine how they would split up each ward. See below what Township students came up with!