About the Project

Loyalist Township will be conducting ward boundary review beginning this fall. The purpose of the ward boundary review is to review the existing electoral arrangements to develop an effective and equitable system of representation. This means we are reviewing Council composition, options for how Council representatives are elected, existing ward boundaries, and whether residents have equitable access to their elected representatives.

Key Dates

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Council Workshop Presentation

Want to learn more about the Ward Boundary Review? The Consultants will be providing a presentation to Council on October 22, 2024 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at 263 Main Street. Want to watch from home? Click to see Live Stream.

Road with location markers listing the public engagement events in Amherst Island, Odessa, Wilton, Amherstview and Bath.

Current Electoral Wards in Loyalist Township

Current electoral wards in Loyalist Township

Map illustrating electoral wards in Loyalist Township


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