About the Project

Loyalist Township is developing a 30-year Solid Waste Management Master Plan to guide waste management planning, decision-making and services. The plan aims to address the township's current and future waste management challenges by improving waste diversion, recycling, and organics processing as well as establish a framework for managing curbside residential waste, multi-residential waste, parks and public spaces waste, and waste from Township facilities. Key goals include increasing waste diversion, decreasing waste generation, determining efficiencies and cost savings, and ensuring environmentally sustainable practices. The plan will address the limited remaining capacity of the Township's two waste disposal sites, the Amherst Island and Violet Waste Disposal Sites, examine collection and processing methods, and look at broader policy issues like single-use plastics, alternative technologies, greenhouse gas emissions and circular economy programs. The project involves collaboration between Loyalist Township staff, EXP Services Inc., and other stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive approach to waste management.

Why Loyalist Township Needs a Solid Waste Master Plan

The Violet Waste Disposal Site could reach capacity as early as 2043 and the Amherst Island site as early as 2039. A long-term plan is needed to address future disposal needs.

The Township has set a goal of 40% residential waste diversion by 2030. A comprehensive plan is needed to identify and implement strategies to increase diversion.

The plan will help position the Township for upcoming changes like Extended Producer Responsibility for recycling.

The Township is expected to experience 40% population growth by 2046, requiring planning for increased waste management needs.

A master plan will help identify efficiencies and cost savings in the waste management system.

The plan will incorporate environmentally sustainable practices and address issues like greenhouse gas emissions.

Key Activities During the Planning Process

  • Conduct residential waste audit and geotechnical investigation of Violet landfill adjacent lands
  • Complete feasibility study on expanding FoodCycler program vs. other organics management options
  • Review current waste management system performance and benchmark against other municipalities
  • Develop growth forecasting model to project future waste management needs
  • Identify and evaluate waste management options, including new technologies and approaches
  • Conduct public and stakeholder consultation on proposed options
  • Develop implementation plan with short, medium and long-term recommendations
  • Prepare draft and final Solid Waste Management Master Plan reports

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Justina Poisson

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