About the Project

The County of Lennox & Addington is planning for the full-depth reconstruction of Main Street in Odessa, from West Street easterly to Shane Street. The County's work will include the road and storm drainage improvements. Loyalist Township will coordinate the rehabilitation of our watermains and sanitary sewers concurrently with the road works. The project is anticipated to start in 2026, and stretch over several construction seasons.

Active transportation linkages are an important part of the Township's Infrastructure Masterplan, which was adopted by Council in June 2024. As part of the Main Street reconstruction project, a multi-use pathway, approximately 3m in width, is being considered for the south shoulder of Main Street, from Creighton Drive to County Road 6 (the pathway has already been constructed from Creighton to West Street). If included, the multi-use pathway would result in the loss of south-side street parking throughout this section. The illustration below is an example of what the street cross-section would look like with a multi-use pathway.

Public Consultation

Before we start design work for the project, we are reaching out to Main Street property owners and business owners, as well as those who visit Main Street businesses, for feedback on the project and proposed alternatives for parking in Odessa.

We held a Public Open house on March 10, 2025, at the Odessa Municipal Office. If you weren't able to join us, we invite you to visit the County's project page to fill out their feedback form. While there, use their interactive map to provide comments on specific locations in the project area.

More Information

Main Street is the urban section of County Road 2 through the village of Odessa. In 2024, the section between Creighton Drive and West Street was reconstructed.

This project focuses on West Street, east to Shane Street.

Before starting the project design, we usually do a number of investigations:

  • CCTV inspections of the existing sewers (sanitary and/or storm) helps us understand their condition
  • Surveying confirms property lines and the road right-of-way
  • Locates confirm underground infrastructure owned by us and other utility companies
  • Geotechnical (boreholes) tell us about the condition of the rock or ground in the project area and help us plan to manage the excess soils created by construction due to provincial legislation

We start compiling this information several years before we plan to start the design work.

Property owners play an important part as well.

To help us protect your property, it's important for us to know about the location of any private underground infrastructure, like sump drainage lines, irrigation systems, or buried wires, so they aren't disturbed during construction.

We are also interested in information regarding the Township's infrastructure, such as coloured water concerns, drainage issues, or sewer backups.

We encourage you to get in touch with project staff, who are happy to discuss and/or meet you onsite to address any questions or concerns.

Infrastructure renewal projects are planned and prioritized based on the condition of existing roads, watermains, and sewers. Through the annual capital budget process, staff make their best recommendation to Council as to which projects should be prioritized, and Council make the final determination.

This project is a collaboration between the Township and the County of Lennox & Addington. The two levels of government will coordinate on budget priorities.

In any case, the project will stretch over several construction seasons, beginning not earlier than 2026.