About the Project
The Secondary Plan will provide a policy and implementation framework to guide the future growth and development of Amherstview West for the next 25 years. The Secondary Plan will be accompanied by a series of technical studies that support the Plan, in accordance with the policies in the Township’s Official Plan (current and proposed policies), that also conform to the County Official Plan and are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
The Secondary Plan must also conform to all servicing and design guidelines and manuals, and maintain line-of-sight to other Loyalist Township plans. These include, but are not limited to, the Strategic Plan, the Asset Management Plan, the Recreation Master Plan, the Climate Action Plan, and the Infrastructure Master Plan. The process will also be required to satisfy Municipal Class Environmental Assessment requirements and will need to be documented accordingly. Loyalist Township has engaged WSP as their consultant for the Secondary Plan project.
Statutory Public Meeting
Statutory Public Meeting on February 11th to present final draft secondary plan documents
Loyalist Township will be holding a second Statutory Public Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 to consider an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines to implement the Amherstview West Secondary Plan, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17(15) and 34(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. At the meeting, changes to the Secondary Plan documents made in response to comments received at, and following the first Statutory Public Meeting held on December 10, 2024 will be presented by Township staff and their consultant, WSP.
All are invited to attend! The public meeting will be held as follows:
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 – 6:00 pm
Join us in person at Council Chambers at 263 Main Street, Odessa or online via Zoom by accessing the Council Portal.
The Notice of Statutory Public Meeting is now posted online.
The Final Draft Secondary Plan documents will be available for review and comment in the Documents and reports section on the right side of this page on or by January 21, 2025.
Project area map
- What is a Secondary Plan?
- Why is Loyalist Township undertaking a Secondary Plan for Amherstview West?
- What is a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and how does it relate to the Secondary Plan?
- What is the Secondary Plan study area?
- How will community feedback be incorporated into the Secondary Plan?
- What is the Township’s process for approving the Secondary Plan and the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment?
- After the Secondary Plan is approved and in effect, how will the Township sell municipally-owned lands?
- How will lands within the Secondary Plan study area be developed?
- What is the Loyalist Township Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) and how does it relate to the Amherstview West Secondary Plan?
- I have received a letter from the Township advising that field work related to the Secondary Plan will be undertaken on or in close proximity to my property. What implications will this have for my property?
- The population, housing, and employment projections for Amherstview West reference the Population, Housing, and Employment Projections to 2046 Report, prepared by Hemson Consulting in 2019, which reference the 2016 Statistics Canada census data. With the
- How can I get involved in the Secondary Plan process?
- Where do I send my comments or questions on the Secondary Plan?
Background studies
The following background studies were prepared as the foundational documents for the Secondary Plan:
- Archaeology Overview (131KB)
- Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment (15MB)
- Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigation (8MB)
- Growth Management Report (2MB)
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (5MB)
- Natural Heritage Existing Conditions Report (6MB)
- Climate Change Assessment (726KB)
- Natural Hazards and Stormwater Management Report (13MB)
- Water and Sanitary Servicing Report (16MB)
- Noise Feasibility Study (July 2, 2024) (12MB)
- Final Background Analysis Report (5MB)
The Public Engagement Program Strategy included in the staff report below was approved by Council on Monday April 21st, 2021.
Applicable Staff Report can be found at the following link:
Project Process
Past engagement events
A Public Open House was held on Wednesday July 31, 2024 to present the Draft Amherstview West Secondary Plan and associated Secondary Plan documents, including the proposed Draft Official Plan Amendment, Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Urban Design Guidelines, and Draft Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Environmental Study Report. Resources from the meeting are linked below.
An Saturday, September 30, 2023, a Community Design Workshop was held at the Amherstview Community Hall. The purpose of the Community Design Workshop was focused on developing design principles for a "main street"-type entry into the Amherstview West area. These principles will guide the neighbourhood's character, built form, streets, and the space between the building and roadway, for instance. The Workshop explored the long-term vision and planning for the Potential Future Development Area within the Secondary Plan lands. An As We Heard It memo was developed summarizing the input we received at the Community Design Workshop.
A second Public Open House was held at the Amherstview Community Hall on June 21, 2023. Resources from the meeting are linked below:
On March 10, 2022, staff from Loyalist Township and WSP held a virtual Public Open House to share more about the:
- land use planning and EA process and key findings of the background technical studies;
- development of the draft land use concept options;
- evaluation of the draft land use concept options; and
- draft preferred land use concept option for Amherstview West.
Resources from this meeting are linked below:
On June 24, 2021 an Online Visioning Workshop was held as part of the ongoing community engagement process to introduce the project and identify a new community vision, goals, and objectives for the Secondary Plan Area. The visioning Survey was conducted in the summer of 2021 and closed on Friday July 16, 2021 at 11:59 pm.
The “As We Heard It” Report presents a summary of the feedback received from the community through the Online Visioning Workshop and Online Visioning Survey.
If you'd like to view the recording of the Visioning Workshop, you can do so here.