About the project

As part of the consultation for our Infrastructure Masterplan, in late 2021 the Township conducted a traffic calming survey. We received significant public feedback, giving us a strong basis for further evaluation. We also were fortunate to obtain many years of traffic accident data from the OPP, providing unbiased statistics to highlight areas of priority as we develop a multi-pronged approach to traffic calming concerns.

Amherst Drive was determined as a priority area that would benefit from traffic calming. In 2025 we are undertaking a pilot program, installing multiple physical measures to improve safety for everyone who uses the municipal right-of-way, both motorists and those who use active modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling.

We will assess the effectiveness of these measures by collecting various data during and after the pilot, and comparing it to the previous data we collected.

What you'll see

Here's more information on how these temporary measures are expected to help calm traffic.
  • Digital speed radar signs provide real-time feedback to drivers on their vehicle speed.
  • Flexible bollards installed on the center line of a street are a visible reminder for drivers to maintain a safe speed.
  • Painting the word "SLOW" on the road surface reminds drivers to observe their speed as they approach a Community Safety Zone or crosswalk.

Painted crosswalks are being added in several locations, to provide linkages for pedestrians and other forms of active transportation.

  • Removable rubber curb extensions encourage drivers to corner at a lower speed and increase the distance between vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • Flexible edge-line bollards reinforce the painted corner bump-outs, reducing cornering speed and increasing the distance between vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
  • A modular island encourages safe turning speeds, and gives pedestrians a refuge midway through crossing.

When it'll happen

We plan to implement these temporary measures in May 2025, with the actual date dependent on the arrival of spring weather. The pilot project will continue until October 2025.

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Adam Alexander

Project Coordinator, Engineering & Environment Division

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