About the municipal budget

The municipal budget is a crucial policy and planning document that highlights our municipality’s priorities for services, programs, and infrastructure. Crafting the budget involves balancing often competing priorities: delivering the high level of services that residents expect and deserve, while also considering what is financially feasible.

Each year, municipal staff present a draft preliminary budget for public feedback. This budget is divided into two parts: the operations budget, which covers the municipality’s day-to-day services, and the capital budget, which funds large infrastructure and long-term projects. The Mayor and Council, with input from Loyalist Township residents and businesses, decide which municipal services, programs, and infrastructure projects will be included in the final budget.

Budget information

Where do your property taxes go?

Where do your property taxes go?

Icons showing property tax distribution between province, county and municipality.

Figures based on 2024 municipal budget

How your municipal budget works

How your municipal budget works

How to get involved

  • Complete the budget survey below (the survey takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete)
  • Ask us your budget questions by using the tool below or send an email to budget@loyalist.ca
  • Attend Township budget meetings (in-person or virtually). Subscribe to meeting notifications on our Council Portal.

Budget Survey

Budget Q&A

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Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Shelley Stedall


Arthur Smith

Deputy Treasurer

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{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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